5 Ways to Keep Your Job and Get Ahead

Today’s business landscape is a challenging one, with the ongoing pandemic taking its toll on businesses across a number of different industries. It’s important to try and stay proactive within your current role and offer as much as you can, both to help drive the business through this difficult time as well as promoting how valuable you are as an employee.
If you’re worried about the impact of the current situation, here are some top tips to keep developing your career and continuing to contribute productively to the business.
Develop your skillset
Whether you are in a junior or senior position within your company, there is always room to grow and learn more. This can include anything from additional reading in your spare time, to online courses and assessments.
Not only can this further your own knowledge in your current role, it can also add value to the business as you share your new insights and put them into practice.
Anticipate what’s coming next
While none of us have a crystal ball, it’s important to try and anticipate what might be around the corner. If you can position yourself one step ahead and offer your services, you can make yourself stand out a little more.
Adopting a can-do attitude can work wonders for being proactive and helpful, especially during a time when your company may be running at lower revenue or have less staff.
Manage expectations
It’s important to be aware of what’s expected of you, and making sure everyone is on the same page. You can always set your own expectations too, and discover ways of measuring your progress. By consistently moving in the right direction, you can show your boss or other colleagues just how much of an asset you are.
The same goes if you work directly with clients; manage their expectations from the start and you can help to create a productive working relationship.
Communication is key
Whether you are back in a more traditional work setting like an office, or you’re working remotely, good communication is at the heart of everything. Keeping up to date on what’s happening across the business can ensure you’re able to offer your assistance if needed.
What’s more, keep your colleagues and boss up to date on your own tasks too, making sure you are demonstrating your productivity and willingness to work hard.
Find solutions
During difficult times like these, it can be a breath of fresh air to be the person who is bringing solutions to the table and working out how to make the best of the situation. Consider what positive outcomes there might be when a problem arises, and how you can get involved to help make that happen.
This is not the time to worry about being a goody two shoes! Get stuck in and do what you can to stand out.
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.