10 Famous Films featuring a PA

What better way to celebrate the run up to the Christmas season than with a quick peak at our favourite films featuring PAs. Here are my top 5:
The classic one which immediately springs to mind is The Devil Wears Prada. Andy’s boss is an über demanding character who takes pleasure in manipulating the psyche of her PAs – ring any bells with anyone? Andy puts up with a tremendous amount within the world of fashion publishing. She eventually has the strength to walk away when she knows she has achieved all she can. Just goes to show how setting boundaries is important even with the strongest of characters.
For a true traditional secretary, you cannot beat Miss Moneypenny in James Bond. She is a terrific gatekeeper, knows everything about everyone and is a loyal and discreet employee.
I love the double life that Selina Kyle (aka Cat Woman) leads in Batman Returns. It begs the question – ‘do all PAs lead such a colourful double life?’
Seeing how Tess McGill in Working Girl gets constantly overlooked by her overbearing boss (well basically the boss profits from her secretary’s ideas) until a ski accident for the boss enables Tess to show the world just how good she is. She demonstrates tenacity, talent and goes above and beyond the crazy boundaries we place on PAs.
The best of the bunch for me has got to be Erin Brockovich. The true story of a single mother turned legal secretary who overcomes prejudices within a small law firm to take on one of the largest companies in America – the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. She is tenacious, hard-working and not afraid of going with a gut feeling. She also has an amazing memory which is a must for any super PA. The real Erin now runs her own consulting firm!
Email your top films featuring PAs to kirsty@atticrecruitment.co.uk
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