5 Ways to Tackle Imposter Syndrome in the Workplace
Have you ever felt like you shouldn’t be in the job you’re in? Do you feel under-qualified, and that you are worried your boss will one day find out? You might be suffering from something known as imposter syndrome.
Imposter syndrome is persistent disbelief that your success is deserved or that you are good enough to do the job you’re in. While it is not necessarily officially recognised as a disorder, it can be debilitating in the workplace and can create an obstacle for career progression.
It can also stop you from going to job interviews because you don’t think you’re qualified enough. At Attic Recruitment, we look after our candidates and help to place you in brilliant jobs that you are more than capable of doing.
However, imposter syndrome does not have to define your career. Earlier this year, NatWest launched a #OwnYourImposter campaign to encourage women to start or grow their business further.
So, if you think you suffer from imposter syndrome, here are 5 ways you can tackle it whether you are male or female.
1. Keep track of your accomplishments
It is important to be your own cheerleader and recognise when you have done something well, but this can be difficult with imposter syndrome. Most of the time you are too busy focusing on your to-do list or worrying about the small things you could have done better at.
Instead, take some time to reflect on what you can achieve and the skills you have that make you qualified for the job. No matter how big or small, this can help to articulate what makes you stand out.
Make a note of any good feedback you get, whether it’s from a job interview, a colleague or a manager. This can help to see a pattern of where you are succeeding.
2. Continue to learn and grow your knowledge
Even those at the very top of the business need to continue learning and growing with the business and the industry they are in. The more you can learn about your role, company and the wider industry, the more you will improve your professional development.
Having practical knowledge about your job can help you to feel more confident in your abilities.
3. Create a support network
Everyone needs someone to lean on for additional support, whether it’s in a professional or personal capacity. Think about your colleagues and work friends around you and utilise them when it comes to advising or reassurance.
You should also nurture your relationship with your boss; don’t just wait for your formal review, ask for feedback as you go and you will start to feel much more comfortable in your environment. Creating a support network that you can trust can mean it’s not so scary asking for help when you need it!
4. Set reasonable expectations
Make sure your goals and expectations for yourself are reasonable. If they are far-reaching, you will likely be left feeling disappointed with your efforts. Consider starting small with your goals for the week and gradually building them up.
The sky is the limit, but you don’t have to get there overnight. Set expectations for yourself that are attainable, and build your confidence slowly but surely as you reach and exceed them.
5. Be prepared
Preparation is key to most things in life, but if you suffer from imposter syndrome then it would benefit you to leave plenty of time to do your homework. Whether it’s a meeting or a deadline, give yourself plenty of preparation time instead of leaving things to the last minute.
Avoiding panicking situations, like a looming deadline, can help you to boost your confidence further.
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.