Tips to Succeed in Your Upcoming Virtual Interview

With the current global situation, we have seen virtual interviews grow in popularity. Companies are choosing to interview virtually to ensure the safety of both applicants and their staff. With the pandemic leading to a change in the hiring process, it may be more difficult for candidates to portray their skills in a virtual interview. So, how can you excel in this new way of meeting a potential employer?
Prepare As You Would For Any Interview
As with any interview it is always important to be prepared and have researched the company you are interviewing for. Having this knowledge, whether you meet the potential employer virtually or in person, will ensure you are prepared for any questions that may be directed your way. An understanding of what the company does, their values or ethos, where they work and how they work, is important in generating a positive impression.
Dress Appropriately
Although you will be in the comfort of your own home, it is still important to dress the part to maintain a professional image. As you would if you were visiting an employer within their workplace, wearing a smart outfit such as a suit and tie, or blazer and blouse will project confidence and professionalism.
Here you can see examples of what to wear and what not to wear:
Check Your Tech
We recommend you check your technology is working and give yourself plenty of time before your interview start time. This way you will avoid any technological issues mid interview. It must be said however, employers will be understanding if you are to lose connection or the line drops slightly. Do not be nervous to let them know of any issues. It is best to keep the interview panel updated and aware of your situation, if you are to lose connection.
Take Yourself Away From Distractions
If you live in a busy household it is understandable you will have many more distractions to contend with. Alert your family members of your interview and choose a room which will be empty and quiet. Remember to turn off other distractions such as the TV and your mobile phone. Removing yourself from distractions will help you to focus and present yourself professionally.
How Attic Can Help You!
At Attic Recruitment we can provide you advice for the best interview practice. We will walk you through the process, making it as simple and as stress-free as possible. If you are interested in any of our current vacancies, please get in contact with us today and our expert team of recruitment specialists will work to find you your perfect role.
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