Back to School

My eldest son went back to school last week and I was most perturbed by the fact that he didn’t want a new pencil case. Buying a new pencil case is a right-of-passage for the commencement of a new school year and all the possibilities it encompasses. The chance to have something new and shiny (and clean; without all the broken pens nibs, empty cartridges and pencil shavings etc) was a way to start afresh at the beginning of term.
“But I like my pencil case Mum, I don’t think I could find a better one”
A life lesson from my twelve year old…
Why in business do we spend so much time trying to reinvent ourselves into something new and shiny – why can’t we just do as we have always done, streamline a little maybe and enjoy the current status quo and build on it for a stable future. Let’s not spend time searching for something new and shiny – let’s do what we have done (for the past fifteen years) and be the best we can be, enjoy what we do and not get side-tracked by the need to reinvent ourselves.
My son’s words resonated with me. Maybe I am a little biased but Attic is a great place to be. The people I work with are at the top of their game, our clients are loyal to us and am proud that we all love what we do – I don’t think you could find a better secretarial recruitment consultancy in London.
I do still love a brand new notepad though – small pleasures in life…
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.