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How to excel at interviewing as a Candidate
Telephone Make sure you are somewhere free from any background noise so that you can really focus on the conversation and the client can hear you clearly. Also make sure you are in an area with good signal if using your mobile, if not make sure you use a landline. Print your CV off in advance so you can refer to this if asked certain questions, also print off anything else that may help you e.g tips, your career highlights,...
Read PostHow to be a master interviewer for your Business
There are many different ways you can interview when looking for a new Personal Assistant and being aware of the pitfalls of each one is important before deciding which to use in your armour for finding the right PA for you. Telephone Interviews A good idea to use as a screening tool if your new Personal Assistant will be speaking with important stakeholders within the business or if you are looking for someone who has the ability to connect quickly...
Read PostPut yourself in the shoes of the interviewer – what do they want to see/hear?
As well as having a good interviewing technique (eye contact, strong handshake, being articulate and concise etc), it is essential that the actual content of your conversation is appealing for an interviewer. Obviously this varies to a certain extent from job to job which is why it is important to do as much background research as possible into the person you are meeting and what they are looking for from a candidate. Here are just a few examples of the...
Read PostWhat impression are you making for your Company?
Top 3 common interview styles – please try to avoid them: The Unprepared Flying between meetings, not had a chance to read the CV, pressed for time so condense everything into ten minutes… Think how this reflects on your brand as a company and you as an individual Is ten minutes really long enough to get the most from the meeting? Yes, gut feeling is important and plays a part but bear in mind that it is a candidate market...
Read PostOur thoughts on how to nail an Interview
Never go to an interview without having done your research on the company and the job spec… DUH (!) but you know that. J Here are a couple of points that we came up with that should help ease the stress of preparing for an interview. Knowing your CV inside out is a no brainer. If you don’t… I would be worried! Try and anticipate any questions that could be asked, maybe prepare some competency based questions (if you Google,...
Read PostTop interview tips for the novice interviewer
Think about the role you are hiring for in detail - what skills and experience do you need, what is essential, what can be learned, what would be a bonus to have. If you are working with a recruiter then this is an essential part of their service. Feel comfortable that the top three skills you need, the candidate either has or you feel confident can learn. List the top three key attributes and qualities the person needs to demonstrate...
Read PostI have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.