What impression are you making for your Company?

Top 3 common interview styles – please try to avoid them:
The Unprepared
Flying between meetings, not had a chance to read the CV, pressed for time so condense everything into ten minutes…
- Think how this reflects on your brand as a company and you as an individual
- Is ten minutes really long enough to get the most from the meeting? Yes, gut feeling is important and plays a part but bear in mind that it is a candidate market at the moment and this individual will be meeting with your competitors
- Think about what message are you sending out – does it really reflect your company values
The Note-Taker
Are you really present in the interview or are you so busy making notes that you are not really listening to or reacting to what is being said – more going through the motions and making sure the relevant boxes have been ticked.
- The candidate doesn’t want to spend the majority of the interview looking at the top of your head – put the pen down, engage and be interested in what is being said
The Talker
Hang on a minute – who is doing most of the talking here?
- The danger when you are interviewing a great and highly in demand candidate is that you feel the need to sell and impress them. Whilst that plays a part, the best way to impress is for the candidate to feel that you are interested in them, why would they be right for that role, why have they made the decisions they have. Be interested and in turn the candidate will feel engaged
Written by Kirsty Miall – Attic Recruitment Co Founder
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.