Do we still need temporary recruitment agencies in London?

I am a self-confessed, joyful Luddite. I love paper, pens, books, diaries, thank you cards and meeting people face to face. I hugely dislike email and don’t really understand Social Media!
The world of recruitment has changed dramatically over the past twenty years and now it would seem that everyone has access to anyone, so why do we still need temp recruitment agencies in London and how do you spot a good one?
The temp desk at Attic has grown hugely in recent months and this is all down to two factors. The outstanding quality of our temps paired with the ability of our temp team to spot a good match.
When we first started our business 13 years ago, our strap line was ‘matching good candidates with good clients’ and years on this is still the intrinsic value of what we offer. It is no use having an exceptionally talented temp in your office if he/she rubs everyone up the wrong way. This decreases productivity and has a knock on effect on the bottom line.
I am a firm believer that business success can only be built on people and relationships and I see this unfold on a daily basis in our business. Our temps want to work through Attic, they know the type of clients we work with and want to help in continuing to position ourselves as the number one temp agency in London.
Our temp team have a superb ability to screen our temp candidates and ensure that they are a perfect match for the role and organisation. The process is swift, the clients feel looked after and have the knowledge that our temp team are working tirelessly on their behalf to ensure we deliver.
In choosing the right temp agency to work with in London, the most important indicator should be how they take the brief from you. Detail detail detail. There should be no stone left unturned and you should feel very comfortable that they know your business inside out. If they have taken the brief in enough detail and are good at their job in terms of knowing who will fit best, then don’t waste your time in interviewing them. They should be ready to go and be able to add value from hour one.
I am pleased to say that even in the age of Web 2.0 where recruitment revolves around job boards and networking sites, there will always be a need for professional temp agencies in London for clients who value relationships, efficiency, and having the knowledge that their temp agency is working in partnership with them.
Kirsty Miall
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.