Get to know the Executive Team – Q&A time…

To celebrate our 15 years in business, we thought it would be fun to get to know our founders Sarah Culshaw and Kirsty Miall and our Associate Director, Margherita Hunt a little better.
Secretarial recruitment in London is a very competitive market – how do you stay ahead?
SC: By always delivering above the norm and exceeding clients’ expectations.
KM: By being honest, treating others with the respect they deserve and being flexible to change.
MH: By being genuine and really getting to know our candidates. We also all come from very eclectic backgrounds rather than the standard recruitment path, which I think helps us to come at things from a different perspective.
What has been your biggest challenge to date?
SC: Embracing the technology to say ahead.
KM: Trusting a client too much to pay their bills and being left with a whopping deficit when they went under.
MH: Letting candidates know they have been unsuccessful especially after a long drawn out interview process. Candidates invest a lot of time, energy and emotion and it is hard being the bearer of bad news.
Describe your typical day?
SC: Assessing where all consultants are with their clients and jobs, checking over social media and advertising and working on strategy for next year to minimise Brexit risk.
KM: Never typical, today meeting three new clients and discussing their needs, tomorrow redesigning our brochure with our creative team and planning Christmas event.
MH: There are no typical days at Attic, no two days are the same…which is what keeps it interesting.
If you could change one thing about your life what would it be?
SC: To have more time.
KM: Have my own office – am too easily distracted by others.
MH: Nothing, I’m pretty pleased with how things are going so far.
What’s the best piece of business advice you have ever been given?
SC: To stay true to your values and do your best. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
KM: Believe in yourself and just go for it.
MH: Take a deep breath and approach one thing at a time. The nature of recruitment often means there are a million things of equal importance that need doing at the same time, so it can be very easy to panic. Making a list, taking stock and approaching it with a level head works wonders.
What has been the trickiest placement to fill?
SC: We specialise in tricky.
KM: PA for a high-profile musician who wanted the earth but didn’t want to pay the salary to match it.
MH: When the client isn’t quite sure what they need, it can lead to a very arduous journey of looking for a needle in a haystack with many rounds of interviews – that said, the satisfaction when you find ‘the one’ is worth it.
What book are you reading at the moment?
SC: Love in a cold climate – Nancy Mitford, Irresistible –Adam Alter.
KM: The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wolleben.
MH: The Heart by Maylis De Kerangal.
What did you want to be when you were six?
SC: A Vet.
KM: An actress, then a fighter pilot, then reverted back to an actress.
MH: A Ballerina.
What makes you get up in the morning?
SC: My boys.
KM: The thought of being first up before the whole house wakes up and being able to enjoy a cup of tea in peace and quiet.
MH: One or both of my children… generally earlier than I would like.
Three words to sum up Attic?
SC: Unique, intuitive, experienced
KM: Quirky, fun, professional
MH: Still going strong!
2017 – 15 Fabulous Years for Attic!
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.