Looking After Your Mental Health at Work

The average worker can often spend more time at their place of work than at home, with many employees dedicating hours to their career. With that in mind, it’s hugely important that employees feel comfortable and supported when it comes to mental health at work, both professionally and personally.
Mental health at work has been on the agenda for some time now, across a number of industries, as the pressure mounts for organisations to provide the right support services for those who battle with mental health conditions. Paying attention to mental health in the workplace is key in maintaining the wellbeing of staff, and ensuring teams remain happy and motivated.
What can trigger mental health problems at work?
1 in 6 workers is dealing with a mental health problem right now, according to Mind. Often, understanding the cause is an effective way of working through mental health problems in the workplace. If you often find yourself struggling with feelings of anxiety, stress or depression, identifying the triggers can be helpful.
Figures from HSE show that women suffer more from work-related stress, anxiety and depression than men, with those aged 35-44 feeling it most. Research shows that this age range is often part of a ‘sandwich’ generation of women who are juggling children, elderly parents and developing a good career.
Factors such as workplace sexism and the gender pay gap are still prevalent in many industries, which can play heavily on the mental health of employees.
Of course, there are many incidents at work that can be detrimental to mental health regardless of gender. Workloads, lack of support and organisational change can all become contributing factors to an employee’s mental state.
An HSE report discovered that 45% of all working days lost to ill health in 2015/6 were due to stress.
How to deal with mental health at work
It’s key for both employees and employers to be able to recognise the signs and understand what might affect someone’s wellbeing in the workplace. Communication is essential, but this can be tricky. After all, the taboos may be lessening around mental health, but it can still be very difficult for some to talk about it, especially to work colleagues or managers.
A lot of staff feel as though they can’t tell their boss if they are overly stressed at work, with many who have been diagnosed with a mental health problem feel as though they can’t tell their managers.
It can take time to change the culture of a workplace, and it’s down to every member of staff to promote positive mental health. Having support processes in place is a must-have, both for management and for between colleagues. This can include making it clear where staff can go for further support or information, as well as encouraging senior team members to act as role models through healthy behaviour.
It is key that organisations are able to offer support for mental health at every stage effectively, from detecting early warning signs to being supportive during time off sick.
Starting a new job
Starting a new job can be especially triggering for someone who struggles with mental health problems. At Attic Recruitment, our personal service can provide support and inspiration for those looking for a new job where they can feel comfortable and confident.
Taking the time to understand your needs and what type of job you’re looking for, we’re able to match you with the perfect company depending on your skills and personality.
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