What does it mean to be a PA in 2017?

At the start of the year our Director, Kirsty Miall was featured on Radio 4 Woman’s Hour discussing just how the role of the Personal Assistant has changed over the years since Attic Recruitment began. The PA job role has long been a fixture of the office environment offering support and assistance to businesses and directories. However, what was once a secretarial role that meant picking up dry cleaning, making cups of coffee and typing, has evolved into a position which most business models could not survive without.
What does the role of Personal Assistant involve?
As many of you may know, a lot has changed over the past 30 years. For one thing the role is more commonly known as an assistant or PA position rather than a secretarial job. Responsible for supporting directors, offering assistance, services and advice on a range of different projects, you will need to be dedicated to the business you work for. Whether you are working in a PA job in London, Paris, Milan or anywhere in the world, this isn’t just a dead-end role without any prospects. Gaining the trust and support of the business you work for means you could eventually progress into other areas of the business if that is what you desire.
What kind of Candidates are Employers looking for?
This role requires the candidate to have a high level of personal involvement with the boss and the business. The candidate may need to be trusted with confidential conversations, correspondences, and client information which they must protect. The perfect candidate must build a mutually beneficial relationship with their employer. This means finding a role within an industry that suits you as well as your employer.
Why are Attic Recruitment different from other agencies?
Specialising in PA jobs in London, here at Attic Recruitment we know that working hard and being dedicated to your role will make you an excellent PA. We have a range of different Personal Assistant roles such as Business and Executive Assistants as well as Travelling PAs and Bilingual PAs. This means if you have worked within this industry for a while and have the right amount of experience then there are opportunities for you to find roles that include a great deal of travel, work within a different industry and use a whole range of skills on a daily basis. To find out more about how Attic Recruitment can help to find your dream job, contact us today.
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