The perks of being a Senior PA

It’s almost Christmas and that time of year when most Senior PA’s can enjoy some perks of the job. While some companies will offer a welcome Christmas bonus to their staff, sometimes it’s the little things that make a huge difference:
Finishing early on Christmas Eve
While there are a few senior execs that see Christmas as something that gets in the way, thankfully they are not all Bah Humbug and will actually enjoy the festive season. After all it’s not often that they can switch off from their emails, even if it is just for a day. Many corporate businesses will shut an hour or two earlier and send all the staff home. Luckily, this year Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday so here’s hoping the boss wants to get off on the Friday fairly early so you can enjoy a long weekend.
Christmas Jumper Day
“Dress down days” like Christmas Jumper Day, are starting to become more common place as they start to become traditions across the country. While it’s only a small thing it can be really good for staff morale, making the workplace seem like a more welcome and fun environment. It also gives you the chance to do something positive and raise money for charity. It works even better when the boss and his PA get involved.
Free food Friday
This year Christmas falls on a Monday which means the last office day is a Friday. For many, this means Christmas Eve is a day of rest (well apart from getting the Christmas dinner ready and panicking about whether you bought enough). It also means that it is more than likely going to be a free food Friday in the office. Again, it’s always the little things that go a long way and inject a bit of morale into the office.
Extended lunch breaks
A popular way of rewarding staff for all their hard work is to offer an extended lunch break during December to get that all-important Christmas shopping done. This can often be a 2-3 hour break which gives you time to get more done than you usually would at lunchtime. The office Christmas lunch is also a good opportunity to enjoy a longer than usual lunch break.
While all of these gestures may seem small, for many they make such a difference. Senior PAs spend their whole year running around organising calendars, working through lunch, working late and generally always working to deadlines. Small perks at times like Christmas can make staff feel valued.
It doesn’t always have to be about money and cash rewards. While these are nice and not to be sniffed at, it’s these little traditions and rewards that make the office a nicer place to be and give employees that extra motivation. Just make sure that as a PA, you take advantage of the perks when you can and don’t feel duty bound to your desk.
I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.