Top interview tips for the novice interviewer
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- Think about the role you are hiring for in detail – what skills and experience do you need, what is essential, what can be learned, what would be a bonus to have. If you are working with a recruiter then this is an essential part of their service. Feel comfortable that the top three skills you need, the candidate either has or you feel confident can learn.
- List the top three key attributes and qualities the person needs to demonstrate and have in mind any red flag behaviours. If tenacity, team playing, confidentiality are all key attributes then skew your questions to give the respondent an opportunity to demonstrate their ability. Be clear in your own mind about team fit.
- Read their CV properly line by line and highlight three key areas you would like further information on. This can be linked successfully with point 2. Be curious, probe, if something doesn’t sit right then probe further until you get an answer you are happy with.
- Ensure you give the candidate an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the interview. A good candidate will always have a question in reserve.
- After the interview, get feedback from the person who greeted them before the interview as to their behaviour whilst waiting for you. You can learn a lot by how people treat those they perceive as not in a senior position.
- Above all, be present. Really listen to what the candidate is saying, be relaxed and be honest about what the role entails. Don’t be fooled by academics or appearance whether good or bad – be open minded and get the right person for the right role.
Written by Kirsty Miall – Attic Recruitment Founder
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I have a huge amount of confidence in the team at Attic – they have taken a lot of time and trouble to understand the culture and nuances of our business and it shows. I will keep asking them to support us because I know they will deliver a great result – quickly and with style.